Eight things you need to do whilst in Sydney.

So I’ll start with a side note, I am aware that a lot of the things mentioned below are time sensitive (i.e. annual) so obviously not possible for everyone, but if you get your timings right you can squeeze them all in: I’m living proof!

Here, in no particular order, is the list of things you should try to do whilst in Sydney:


New Year’s Eve

NYE. I know it’s a cliché, and you will probably encounter plenty of people who say they have seen better, but the sheer scale of the Sydney fireworks is worth experiencing purely to feel the ground shake and be utterly immersed in noise. Talking to people who have seen numerous Sydney firework displays it seems as though quality may have been slightly sacrificed for quantity. There are several barges along the river with the same firework display set up to go off simultaneously, which is absolutely incredible. Also don’t get me wrong, the fireworks are of incredible quality but they don’t last for very long as they are spread along the river. If you are staying in central Sydney and willing to get up early, Mrs Macquarie’s point is the best place to catch the fireworks for free as you can also see the opera house. We chose Observatory hill and got a pretty decent view (excuse the blue squiggle I somehow scratched the lens of my camera!).



The Blue Mountains 

You can catch the train from Sydney Central and pay using your Opal card so not a complex process but be prepared. Apparently the Blue Mountains have weather as changeable as Melbourne. This was our second, and planned last day, in the Blue Mountains. As you can see or not, as the case may be, this is a professional photo of the Three Sisters on a good day inset into a picture of me with the Three Sisters on a bad day!


But we have learnt to roll with the punches so we booked another night at the hostel, got up early and walked to the Three Sisters and, as you can see, they thought they would pop their heads out of the clouds for us! There are also some beautiful walks in the Blue Mountains so you should definitely plan to stay for a few days AND be flexible with your plans if you want to see anything!



Bondi to Coogee Walk

This is slightly more taxing in the heat but the views are spectacular. It can definitely be done in flipflops but you might be more comfortable scrabbling on the rocks for a good shot in a pair of trainers, it’s up to you! Whilst it is definitely worth it you will not be alone on the trail, this was one of the most heavily populated walks that I did whilst in Australia but you can see why. Make sure you take plenty of water, swimwear (because you will definitely want a dip by the time you finish), and maybe a picnic to eat along the way or at the last stop, Coogee.



Manly Surf School

I have never surfed before in my life and I as determined not to leave Australia without attempting it! The Manly Surf School was reasonably priced (for Sydney) and the tutors were excellent, for a complete beginner who suffers from a severe lack of grace and balance managing to stand up on my first day on a surf board was a massive achievement for me. Make sure you take them up on their sun cream though and apply it liberally to your face, hands and feet (you’d be surprised!).



Ferry to Manly on a Sunday 

It’s super cheap! In Sydney they offer discounted transport on a Sunday to encourage family outings. You can have unlimited transport for $2.50 on a Sunday so make the most of it and use the ferry to get to Manly, you get some incredible views of the Harbour bridge and the Opera house. We managed to book our surf school on a Sunday so took advantage of the ferry and had an incredible day.



The Sydney Opera House/Harbour Bridge

No trip to Sydney would be complete without the obligatory photo taken from the botanical gardens. Don’t expect anything too spectacular. As I have discovered iconic buildings, that you see so often on the TV or the internet, often aren’t quite as fabulous as you anticipate. However it is definitely worth a little look since they are right in the heart of Sydney, you can’t really miss them!



Bondi Beach 

Disclaimer: I have never watched Bondi Rescue. This left me a little underwhelmed, however I spent some time on the beach with avid viewers and their excitement was a little contagious so if you, like my friends, can name Bondi Rescue stars then don’t miss this. You may even jump up and down with excitement.





Sydney Festival

This was something we discovered completely by accident. We picked up a flier and discovered a free concert just down the road on one of the nights that we were in Sydney. So off we went. The atmosphere was pretty incredible, the sun shone and the alcohol was overpriced: standard. If the festival is on whilst you are in Sydney there are a lot of free exhibits and concerts. You should definitely browse the line-up just in case something catches your eye.



Oh and the special bonus shot (the featured image in the header), get drunk in Manly and stumble across a beach at dawn trying to get back to the bus stop!

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