Don’t worry, be happy.

Something I’ve learnt over the past few years is that regardless of what is expected of you, by society, friends and parents, it is only you that has the power to secure your happiness.

This isn’t meant to sound like a cliché or one of those famous Instagram quotes authored by some unknown guru (even though I’m well aware it does), it should just be a fact of life. Not everyone has the luxury to do what makes them happy so those who do should take full advantage of that. As someone who has been fighting the concept of being a grown up in favour of travelling the world, enjoying myself and ultimately being happy, I know that it isn’t always easy. There is the nagging sense that this isn’t what I should be doing I should have a permanent job, a partner and a home; instead I have a backpack, a passport and a mad urge to explore.

No one should live their lives having never explored their dreams at least a little, the only thing that really stops you is you. Finances can be raised, sacrifices can be made but you’ll never know what makes you happy unless you try everything that you think could be it.

People often ask me where I get the money to travel so frequently, the answer: I get it because I want to travel. I eat in with my friends instead of going out, I use every last drop of foundation and I don’t impulse buy, unless it’s a plane ticket. There’s no such thing as can’t, if you really want it you can.

If working nine to five is your jam go for it, if you want to freelance have at it man and if you want to travel what in the world is stopping you?

Be happy with who you are and where you’re going, you’re the one who has to live with it.





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